Register Now - Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga Hui Ki Taranaki

He maunga Titōhea, he waipuna koropupū
Ahakoa tukituki e te poaka, e kore nei e mimiti

Ka koropupū, ka koropupū

Nau mai
Haere mai

We are pleased to confirm the Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga Hui ki Taranaki,

will take place on Saturday 24th February 2024 at Pukeiti Gardens commencing 8.30am.

Kia ora e te iwi,

We can now advise our programme for the day to engage mana whenua, kaitiaki, practitioners and stakeholders in meaningful dialogue to deepen our collective understanding of the specific Wai 262 claim and issues of importance for the Taranaki rohe.


Ngā Ruahine, Te Āti Awa, Taranaki - Tuturu, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Toa


1. Taiao - Natural Environment, Flora, Fauna, Ngahere, Moana, Awa, Maunga, Waahi Tapu

(Facilitated by Ngahina Capper)

2. Revitalisation of Mātauranga Māori Practices - Maramataka, Kahu Wakatere, Matemateāone

(Facilitated by Jean Hikaka)

3. Toi Māori - In All It's Forms, Raranga, Whakairo, Tā Moko, Peitātanga

(Facilitated by Rangi Kipa)

Join us as we focus on identifying critical relationships and consider the political, cultural, environmental, and social aspects related to the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau.

If you would like to participate in this hui, please register here for further information.

"Ko te mana motuhake me te tino rangatiratanga o ngā taonga Māori me te mātauranga Māori"


8:30am - 4:30pm

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided

Limited spaces available.

Register now.