Te Reo o Te Uru - Pūrongo 571 | WAI 262

E huri haere ana te hui nei ki tēnā koko, ki tēnei koko o te motu. Kua tau mai ki te maunga tītōhea ki te noho ki ngā rekereke o te hunga mōhio, te hunga kaha whakaū i ō rātou mātauranga.
Ko te pūtake o tēnei hui ki Pukeiti i tēnei wā ko te whakaū i te tino rangatiratanga mō ngā taonga katoa mā roto i te kerēme Wai 262.

The purpose of today’s event at Pukeiti is the retention of all taonga through the Wai 262 claim.
This event is travelling around the nation, at this point it has arrived to Taranaki, to the feet of those within the region who live by their Māori knowledge systems.

Our Te Reo o Te Uru Reporter, Alana Te Piki Broughton has this special story.

Manu Tīeri: Alana Te Piki Broughton
Kaikapo Whakaahua: Sacha Keating
Kaiwāwāhi Matua: Sacha Keating
Kaiwhakahaere: Tipene O’Brien
Kaiwhakaputa: Tamzyn Pue

He rau aweawe nō Te Māngai Pāho i tere ai te manu nei.

Watch video here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=299012389571592

Watch reel here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/440791591717082