Meri Kirihimete - Te Pūkotahitanga Newsletter
Meri Kirihimete
Ki ngā iwi me ngā hapū, ngā kaimahi, ngā whānau, ngā hapori, tēnei te mihi o te ngākau ki a koutou katoa.
As the year comes to a close, we acknowledge that for many of you, this is an incredibly busy time, where you work tirelessly to provide vital support to our whānau and communities. We mihi to you for your dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment.
As 2024 draws to an end, Te Pūkotahitanga reflects on the key milestones of the year and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges that 2025 will bring. In the new year, we plan to visit regions across the mōtū to wānanga and share insights from the past two and a half years of our term. Further details will be shared in early 2025.
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Stay connected with our kaupapa by joining us through our Linkedin:ūkotahitanga-tangata-whenua-ministerial-advisory-group
Explore our web pages for the latest media stories and updates:
Advancing Māori-Led Solutions: A Year of Advocacy and Action
This year, we maintained regular and meaningful engagement with the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence, Government Chief Executives, the Chair of the Te Puna Aonui Interdepartmental Executive Board, and Te Puna Aonui Chief Executives. Together, we shared our whakaaro on advancing outcomes for Māori within mahi tukino.
The Te Puna Aonui 2023-24 Annual Report underscores the ongoing challenges: our people continue to bear a disproportionate burden of harm, while mainstreaaam services fail to adequately meet the needs of our whānau.
Te Pūkotahitanga remains steadfast in advocating for sustained investment in Māori-led solutions—approaches that uphold the mana of our people and drive transformative, enduring change. Achieving this requires targeted resources, stronger partnerships, and a commitment to addressing violence in our communities with culturally grounded, whānau-centric solutions.
Highlights of 2024
This year, we continued to work with partners to deliver new evidence and tools to progress our kaupapa. Key achievements include:
1. Violence within Whānau and Mahi Tūkino - A Litany of Sound Revisited
Released in November 2023, this publication offers vital Māori perspectives on family and sexual violence. It has been widely embraced, attracting significant media attention, distributing nearly 1,000 copies, and drawing over 150 participants to its accompanying webinar. Highlighting the critical role of Māori-led research and approaches, this resource serves as an indispensable tool for practitioners and policymakers committed to addressing these issues effectively and with cultural integrity.
2. Toiora Whānau Māori Outcomes Framework
Developed with the support of Wai Rangahau, this framework is designed to measure the well-being of Māori whānau. Currently in the pilot and refinement phase, the framework will guide future interventions and track progress towards better outcomes for Māori.
3. Kaimahi Māori Workforce Survey & Consultation Hui
In partnership with Te Rau Ora, we launched a national survey and a series of consultation hui to better understand the make-up, needs, and aspirations of our kaimahi Māori workforce. The findings will be published in early 2025, providing evidence and next steps to enhance workforce sustainability, capacity, and capability.
4. Matatuhi: Strengthening Unity & Support for Kaimahi Māori in FVSV
Te Pūkotahitanga remains committed to supporting Matatuhi, a national rōpū that brings together kaupapa Māori leaders and kaimahi in the family and sexual violence (FVSV) sectors. Matatuhi provides an inclusive and dedicated space for all tangata whenua working in these sectors, fostering connections across rohe, hapū, and iwi. This rōpū is a hub for unity, peer support, mātauranga strengthening, and toiora, empowering kaimahi Māori to collaborate and thrive in their vital work.
Ngā manaakitanga o te wā,
Te Pūkotahitanga